Clara Hahn

Photography: Katja Feldmeier

Hi there, I am

Clara Hahn

and here is some insight into what I do and care about. This website doesn’t aim to be finished or perfect, but rather a place to start a conversation.

I prefer the real world to anything digital, so let’s not procrastinate online but instead connect to focus on things that matter.


Fired Up Space

founder and managing director

Fired Up is an HR platform that supports people on their unique career journeys and helps them navigate the administrative landscape in Germany. The service is 100% covered by Jobcenter or Arbeitsagentur for people who are registered as job-seeking or unemployed. Spouses accompanying their partners to Germany due to a career change can also receive the service free of charge if they register as unemployed or job-seeking.

Fired Up offers job and founder coaching, specializing in people with a background in tech and creative industries. Our services provide holistic support, which includes off-boarding, navigating the paperwork, consultation on the eligible benefits, as well as best-in-class coaching for the next step in people’s career.